7 random things about me

It is already more than a week ago that I got tagged by Loraine of Grijs, but here it is. Sorry for being late..

= my lucky number is 7
= I was born at 13.10h
= I'm bad in remembering people's names
= I love to walk in the forest, in mountains/dunes and the beach
= I'm a dreamer
= I love cooking, and love to bake the most when I have some time on my hand
= When I sleep, I sleep very tight

And also some of my best decisions so far:

= to live on my own
= to travel through India for 5 months after graduating
= to be an independant designer
= to love Simon
= to practice yoga and meditate regularly

I'm not going to tag anybody, but if you want me to, let me know..

And to complete this post: a picture of my bag and what's inside, an idea of ashley rose helvey..


Anna-Lisa said...

Ha! You got all your tag games out of the way at once. The bag one has me a little paranoid. I carry so much junk!

ashley said...

i loved reading this post. i especially like your best decisions list. and your purse looks very cute :)